Hair loss treatment Toronto: Hair loss Causes that have nothing to do with Underlying Conditions

13/02/2023 13:56
Identifying the cause of your hair loss can be difficult. There are plenty of reasons you are experiencing hair loss, and some of them have nothing to do with underlying medical conditions. Your hair loss treatment Toronto provider can help you identify a cause of hair loss and create a treatment plan that might require lifestyle changes. Below are some of the reasons. 
Some prescriptions and over-the-counter medications have hair loss as a side effect. This happens because hair follicles in the active phase are forced into the resting and shed phase, which prevents developing cells from dividing. Common medications that result in hair loss include;
Birth Control 
Vitamin A and E 
Blood pressure medication 
Gout medicine 
Genetic Hair Loss 
Hair loss does not always signify an underlying condition in your body. Sometimes it has everything to do with your genetic makeup. Male or female pattern baldness, also known as Androgenetic Alopecia, runs in families with contributions from both parents. For men, it is caused by hormones that shorten the lifespan of hair follicles. For women, it is caused by abnormal hormonal levels. While it is genetic, this can be corrected through hair loss treatment Toronto. 
After a huge physical or emotional stress, you are likely to experience hair loss. Life-changing events such as the birth of a baby, an accident, surgery, or the loss of a loved one can cause hair loss. Stress-induced hair loss often occurs between 3-6 months after the trigger. Stress triggers the production of cortisol hormone, which disrupts hair growth on the follicular level. Additionally, stress negatively affects the immune system, thus hindering hair growth. 
Once you notice the slightest sign of hair loss, seek hair loss treatment Toronto immediately. The sooner you start treatment, the higher your chances of reversing the problem.