Natural Hair Loss Treatment For Women: Ideas for Controlling Hair Loss

02/10/2020 12:00
Popularly known as the crowning glory, your tresses are a direct definition of your style and personality. Excess hair loss is a major issue as it causes worry and affects self-esteem, particularly in women. However, if the problem is diagnosed right and on time, you can effectively control hair loss as you start the natural hair loss treatment for women to restore your lost hair. Read on for effective ways you can combine with your treatment therapy.
The first step to a healthy scalp and healthy hair is understanding your scalp type and selecting the right shampoo for it. Additionally, you need to understand your scalp type to wash it accordingly. For instance, over washing a dry scalp can lead to hair fall, and the same applies to not washing your hair at least thrice a week for anyone with an oily scalp. Moreover, ensure that your chosen shampoo does not contain silicone, parabens, and sulphate as these items make your hair brittle, thus susceptible to breakage.
Chemical Treatments
Putting your hair under harsh chemical treatments such as perming, straightening, and colouring works against your natural hair loss treatment for women. Additionally, avoid curling rods, blow dryers and other direct heat sources as they dry up your hair shaft causing breakage. If you must use these heat sources, keep the heat setting at its lowest. Also, start with a leave-in conditioner and seal the hair treatment with a protective spray.
Oiling is the best way to nourish your roots and improve blood circulation in your scalp. As such, ensure to massage your scalp at least once a week using oils suitable for your scalp type. Use a shower cap to cover for maximum infusion, and wash off after two hours with a mild shampoo.
The first step to effective natural hair loss treatment for womenis avoiding self-diagnosis and treatment. As soon as you notice hair fall, contact your doctor. This way, you will avoid doing more harm than good using home remedies.